Siga is a relatively new company from the Ukraine that produces limited-run model kits. Unlike some recent releases of kits including MPM's Wellington or Classic Airframes' latest offerings, Siga's models are the product of a less sophisticated moulding process using fairly soft plastic, resulting in some soft detail, flash on many parts and reasonably thick sprue attachment points.
Having said that, my overall impression of Siga's 1/72 scale Martin AM-1 Mauler is very good indeed.
The kit comprises 80 parts in white styrene and one in clear styrene for the aircraft itself, and a further 97 parts for the ordnance options. The white plastic is quite soft and thick in places, but Siga has managed the limitations of the moulding process so that trailing edges of flying surfaces are acceptably thin and recessed panel lines are crisp and consistent. The overall shape of the aircraft looks good too.
Some nice touches include optional style propeller blades and spinners; and separate pieces for the side cowl flaps, lower cowl flap and lower mid-fuselage speed brake. Wheels and wing guns are fairly awful, but an average modellers "spares box" should provide some assistance in these areas. The cockpit is sparsely detailed with decals supplied for side consoles and the instrument panel, however the two-piece seat looks okay.
The clear canopy is supplied in one piece, and is not exactly sparkling. We can hope that Squadron or Falcon will release a vacform replacement for this part.
Ordnance options include Mk 13-2 aerial torpedos, 750 lb bombs, 250 lb bombs, AN/APS-4 search radar pod, 11/75" Tiny Tim rockets, 5" HVAR ground attack rockets and launchers.
These parts come with their own detailed painting, placement and assembly instructions.
The kit instructions are straightforward, as befitting the simple engineering of the model.
Three decal options are offered. The marking options offer any colour the modeller might want, as long as it is overall Gloss Sea Blue! Splashes of colour are available with green fin and spinner tips on one option.
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